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Five Letters Word Global Ventures

The mission, vision, aims and objectives of the business are to improve the welfare of pigs, reducing environmental impact, increasing efficiency, creating awareness on the importance of pork consumption.

Piggery Services

We offer diverse agricultural business program

Popular Services

Other farm management service we offer to you



We provide support and guidance on building a proper and a well channeled piggery pens


We provide a well trained worker(s)


We provide sales/ markets for the farm produce
Feed Formulation

Feed Formulation

Formulation of feed for the pigs on the farm


We provide experienced veterinary personnel for treatment of the pigs/piglets


We provide proper monitoring of the farm
Virtual Reporting

Virtual Reporting

We construct a regular virtual report for the owner of the farm as the case may be

Need farm management service?

Need pork service booking?

We are Experienced & Professional

35 Years Of Experience in Piggery service delivery
Our Record

We are reputable, highly rated and trusted

We offer diverse range of premium agricultural services from pig pen management, farming and investment management, etc.
Feed formulation and supply
Healthy livestock provision & management
Fresh and healthy pork supply

Investment Plan

Basic investment plan

Medium investment plan

Climax investment plan

Nigeria is one of the greatest busy country in African countries and in the world at large which produces intelligent and active people or citizens.

Research made us realize that people are so busy with responsibilities and other social activities that doesn't even give time to aside/extra business activities during their service years. Therefore,our organization introduces Basic medium and climax plans for people that are working to plan for their retirement age.

So, Five Letters' Word Global Venture comes with different investment plans with 30% increments in 90days (3months).

Basic Plan

10,000 -50,000 / Month
Starts from Ten thousand naira to fifty thousand naira
  • 20% Return on Investment
  • 90 Days duration

Medium Plan

60,000 -100,000 / Month
Starts from sixty thousand to hundred thousand naira
  • 25% Return on Investment
  • 90 Days duration

Climax plan

120,000 or Above / Month
Starts from one hundred and twenty thousand naira
  • 30% Return on Investment
  • 90 Days duration
Grab the opportunity

Earn Additional Income

FIVE LETTERS' WORD GLOBAL VENTURE'S PRESENT YOU WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST IN PIG BUSINESS TO EARN ADDITIONAL INCOME. The economic returns on any of the plans are higher than what commercial banks can offer in 90 days

Do you want to establish a pig farm or you have one already but having management challenges, kindly contact us on the phone number stated above.

Our Offer

People Choose Us For Our Great Offers

Sales of Pig Meat

Sales of fresh, frozen and fried pig meat

Piggery Consultancy

We offer consultancy service for individuals or companies

Investment and Management

We are

Our Staff

We Have Lots Of Experienced Staff Members

Ojo Deborah

Branch Manager

Odeyemi Rachael

Sales manager
Our Shop

Some of our products Collection

Why Choose Us

Why People’s Choose Farming Products

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Sed ut perspicia unde omnis natus voluptatem accusane tium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam eaquuaec abillo inventore veritatis quasi architecto beatae.

Sed ut perspicia unde omnis natus voluptatem accusane tium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam eaquuaec abillo inventore veritatis quasi architecto beatae.

Sed ut perspicia unde omnis natus voluptatem accusane tium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam eaquuaec abillo inventore veritatis quasi architecto beatae.

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